Your spe­cia­list for par­al­lel keys …
Gi­ve us a call. We will be plea­sed to ad­vi­se you.

fon: +49 (0)2391 91796–0
fax: +49 (0)2391 91796–30

The history of the company

The com­pa­ny was foun­ded by Hans Crum­men­erl in 1955 in Freid­lin ne­ar Her­scheid. The first small iron parts and ma­chi­ne keys we­re ma­de in a small work­shop be­hind the li­ving house.

In 1962/63 the com­pa­ny mo­ved to a new buil­ding in the out­skirts of Her­scheid. The pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ty was ex­pan­ded se­ve­ral times over the ye­ars and the pro­duc­tion area co­ver­ed se­ve­ral thousand squa­re metres.

On 01.01.2012 Dr.-Ing. Hu­bert Nä­ge­le took over the ma­jo­ri­ty of the com­pa­ny shares. Dr. Nä­ge­le was born as son of di­plo­mats in Sin­ga­pur and spent most of his child­hood in for­eign count­ries. Af­ter mi­li­ta­ry ser­vice and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dy of me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Claus­thal he ma­de a phd in me­tal forming tech­ni­ques at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Han­no­ver. Af­ter se­ve­ral sta­ti­ons in In­dus­try he quit his job as CEO and took over the ma­jo­ri­ty at the Crum­men­erl GmbH. Dr. Nä­ge­le is mar­ried and has 3 kids.

The tech­no­lo­gy of the com­pa­ny used has be­en con­ti­nuous­ly up­dated and the com­pa­ny now has a wi­de ran­ge of ma­chi­nery at its dis­po­sal. At Crum­men­erl, we use mo­dern CNC and me­tal­wor­king tech­no­lo­gy to pro­vi­de cus­to­mers wi­th out­stan­ding qua­li­ty, at com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­cing and per­for­mance-ra­tio and very short de­li­very times.

Be­gin­ning of 2016 the plant was mo­ved to a new and much big­ger fa­ci­li­ty in Plet­ten­berg, which is lo­ca­ted in a di­stance of 15 Km from the old plant. The plant is now much big­ger and of­fers ex­cel­lent pos­si­bi­li­ties for fu­ture growth. Wi­th the new fa­ci­li­ty the ma­te­ri­al flow was re­or­ga­ni­zed using va­lue stream ana­ly­sis me­thods and re­sul­ted in a ne­ar­ly ide­al va­lue stream wi­thin the production.

Her­e­fo­re we did tog­e­ther wi­th the ILS GmbH from Karls­ru­he an va­lue stream ana­ly­sis and the ma­te­ri­al flow in­si­de the pro­duc­tion was new­ly or­ga­nis­ed on this ba­sis. [ to the article ]

Our plant today
Dr.-Ing. Hu­bert Nägele
Our plant un­til Fe­bru­ary 2016

The history of the company

The com­pa­ny was foun­ded by Hans Crum­men­erl in 1955 in Freid­lin ne­ar Her­scheid. The first small iron parts and ma­chi­ne keys we­re ma­de in a small work­shop be­hind the li­ving house.

In 1962/63 the com­pa­ny mo­ved to a new buil­ding in the out­skirts of Her­scheid. The pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ty was ex­pan­ded se­ve­ral times over the ye­ars and the pro­duc­tion area co­ver­ed se­ve­ral thousand squa­re metres.

On 01.01.2012 Dr.-Ing. Hu­bert Nä­ge­le took over the ma­jo­ri­ty of the com­pa­ny shares. Dr. Nä­ge­le was born as son of di­plo­mats in Sin­ga­pur and spent most of his child­hood in for­eign count­ries. Af­ter mi­li­ta­ry ser­vice and uni­ver­si­ty stu­dy of me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Claus­thal he ma­de a phd in me­tal forming tech­ni­ques at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Han­no­ver. Af­ter se­ve­ral sta­ti­ons in In­dus­try he quit his job as CEO and took over the ma­jo­ri­ty at the Crum­men­erl GmbH. Dr. Nä­ge­le is mar­ried and has 3 kids.

The tech­no­lo­gy of the com­pa­ny used has be­en con­ti­nuous­ly up­dated and the com­pa­ny now has a wi­de ran­ge of ma­chi­nery at its dis­po­sal. At Crum­men­erl, we use mo­dern CNC and me­tal­wor­king tech­no­lo­gy to pro­vi­de cus­to­mers wi­th out­stan­ding qua­li­ty, at com­pe­ti­ti­ve pri­cing and per­for­mance-ra­tio and very short de­li­very times.

Be­gin­ning of 2016 the plant was mo­ved to a new and much big­ger fa­ci­li­ty in Plet­ten­berg, which is lo­ca­ted in a di­stance of 15 Km from the old plant. The plant is now much big­ger and of­fers ex­cel­lent pos­si­bi­li­ties for fu­ture growth. Wi­th the new fa­ci­li­ty the ma­te­ri­al flow was re­or­ga­ni­zed using va­lue stream ana­ly­sis me­thods and re­sul­ted in a ne­ar­ly ide­al va­lue stream wi­thin the production.

Her­e­fo­re we did tog­e­ther wi­th the ILS GmbH from Karls­ru­he an va­lue stream ana­ly­sis and the ma­te­ri­al flow in­si­de the pro­duc­tion was new­ly or­ga­nis­ed on this ba­sis. [ to the article ]


Contact form

    Contact details
    Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
    58840 Plettenberg

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
    58840 Plettenberg

    Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
    Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

    Contact details

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (Of­fice)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 18
    58840 Plettenberg

    Crum­men­erl GmbH (goods re­cei­ving / goods is­sue / truck access)
    Ban­ne­wert­hstr. 24c
    58840 Plettenberg

    Pho­ne: +49 2391 91796–0
    Fax: +49 2391 91796–30

    Contact form